Her Pain!

by James Weatherbee   Mar 9, 2008

She drops to her knee's;
begs the world, please;
stop the pain in her heart;
when did it start;
the emptiness she feels;
when he turned on his heals;
saying were done;
its no longer fun;
it was just a game;
and you are so lame!


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  • 14 years ago

    by James Weatherbee

    Thank you

  • 14 years ago

    by Kianna

    Lurv it! i agree with A pRoMiSe bRoKeN! 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by ChAsInG PavEmEnTs

    && ur still so talented! nd i love this is so perfect! i love how yu can take ur point of view nd flip it to a girls point of view!...

  • I can also relate to this one... and that is what poetry is all about relating emotion to the reader.... love it...

  • 17 years ago

    by Nicole

    5/5 wow its aimed straight at the heart. its a great poem as always ur stuff is great. perfect in every sense a poem should be

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