Greater than the MAYA

by corinereyes   Mar 9, 2008

An envy devil swags his tail
For he is envious of the risen hero
A searing eye that cuts through stone
A vigorous voice of hatred,
Echoing from the four corners of the earth

Darkness has crept onto the heavens
Flesh eating, creeping worms has soar from the soil
A bloodcurdling moment has conquered the ground
Vastly awakening malevolent souls

Now is the time for the hero to ascent
The shadow of darkness were failing fast
As the hero stood in the highest mountain
A temporary eerie silence leak throughout the land
The warrior's wing is like a silver shield that defends
And a powerful sword in his right hand

A force field embraces the battle ground
As the vast war begins,
The devious devil summons his alliance
Awaiting to kill, countless as every bit of sand
While the great warrior slays every beast
One final stroked of his potent sword aimed to the devil's heart
Sending them to the depths of hell,
Decaying deaths and caging them for a thousand years

Act of penance is never in the devil's mind
The need for revenge is as strong as all elements combined
Hound by grief and anger, he shall be back
This great warrior awaits of the devil's return,
And without an end defending all hopeless souls.

(Inspired by a video game... DIABLO...)


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  • 17 years ago

    by corinereyes

    And also was inpired by the poem of Lucas entitled "Fairwell Starlight Lucifer: Dialogue Between God and Devil (1) "

  • 17 years ago

    by corinereyes

    Thanks for your comment Broken Hands... I'll take a note of it..he he he, I'm quit new in writing poems, i have a long way to go... by the way, the poem was inspired by the game DIABLO, :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon

    I think u were a bit excessive with trying to describe everything. you did a great job, but i'm not so sure that you needed all of the extra wording to make it so good. sometimes simple is better. you also misuse some of the words in your attempts to better the poems. You certainly know a lot of big words, but using them all at once makes your poems harder to understand for the audience and after a while it becomes repetitive and looses some of the finesse that i'm sure is intended. just trying to help =)

  • 17 years ago

    by corinereyes

    Tnx lucas! :)