Special To Me

by Suicidal Love   Mar 9, 2008

So there's a guy
There's always a guy
But this guy is special
He's caught my eye

He's been my friend
Through the good and the bad
He's helped me a lot
A proper good lad

He's always been there
Whatever I need
We're there for each other
That's what we agreed

I'll love him forever
I swear that its true
He's like a rock
With him I'll pull through

So I wrote him this poem
So that he might see
How special he is
How special to me


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  • 13 years ago

    by lost angel

    5/5 and this guy seems really sweet like the guy you should hold onto and rap your self around. once u got him dont let go. cause it hurts when u loose someone like him. trust me....... i know :'(

  • Ii can totaly relate to this. it was realyl good. you did a really good job.

    and all ii can tell you is to hold onto that guy
    because ii went through the exact same thing. and he was in love with me and ii never gave him a chance untill 8 months ago and now ii dont think that i've ever been so happy in my life!!!

    5/5 good work gurl

  • 16 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    He's always been there
    Whatever I need
    We're THERE for each other
    That's what we agreed ..

    I think you meant to say there?.. instead of they?

    anyway this poem is really cute and really sweet.. It sounds like such a great friendship between you two and you can really get that feeling just by reading this poem.

    Very nice job. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep it up! =)

  • Its good.
    It flowed well and the imagery was clear.

    "He's been my friend
    Through the good and the bad
    He's helped me a lot
    A proper good lad"

    ^^My favourite stanza.

    Keep up the good work 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    reading this poem is like reading some of my work. Did it almost write itself? i love it when the words just flow.

    5/5 Well done
    p.s this 'guy' sounds like the kind you should keep.