
by Nelle   Mar 10, 2008

The leaves are brown, the sky is blue
You can tell that winters not quite through
The ground is snowy, but it's not that cold
I'd sit outside all day waiting to get old

Winter nights will come and they will go
Little kids are playing in the snow
The air is crisp, the wind stands still
Nothing budges, not even the windmill

It starts to get colder as it gets night fall
I'll awake to the sun slipping through a crack in the wall
Winters still here, but another day has gone
The snow will eventually melt as time goes on


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  • 17 years ago

    by Love vs Fate

    I love your poem.
    such talent i can see.

    keep it up :) 10/10

  • 17 years ago

    by Lu

    The imagery of Winter within this piece is spellbinding.

    The leaves are brown, the sky is blue
    You can tell that winters not quite through
    The ground is snowy, but it's not that cold
    I'd sit outside all day waiting to get old
    The magic of nature as the last days of winter draw and Spring peaks it's head around the corner. You have described the last winter day here .... snowy ground, but not to cold. Days were you could sit out all day. .. because you know Spring is soon to come.

    The rhyme scheme a little distracting ... but still a fresh delightful read!

  • 17 years ago

    by Kim

    Very nice poem.
    I especially like the ending.
    Gives me a true sense of passing time and changing seasons. ^^

    Keep up the great work.

  • 17 years ago

    by vaibhav shah

    Beautiful description of the most terrific season ending on a note of optimism as winter melts gradually

  • 17 years ago

    by noha

    Ohh , nice flow , i like it alot, its a gift to write ,keep it up