Trapped within

by Xx Grieving from the inside outxX   Mar 10, 2008

She doesn't know where to run
where the line ends
She's running into a trap
Deadly it will end
Where her nightmares are ashes on the floor
Trapped within, unknown it her Calder.
Within the winds, a angel speaks
The devil that secretly sweeps.
Within hours of the moment
Her soul will be gone
Nothing more will happen then to her
But the sound of
A scream of danger and in fear.
Trapped within a moment of despair.


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  • No it was not about drug it real hard to explain to you it was just how i was feeling
    on that day

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hiya Chris,
    I like this poem. Is this about drugs?
    I am unsure how to write unless it rhymes, so I am in awe. 5/5


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