
by Amber   Mar 10, 2008

Speak up I can not hear
you. Your lips are
moving but nothing is
coming out of them.

Please speak up.
Wait, why are your
eyes red? Did I do
something wrong?

Finally you speak my
language. Your hands
move swiftly. Are my
eyes deceiving me?

Did you really say that?
Why do I have to leave?
Do you not love me

Your eyes are throwing
tears down your rosy cheeks
with every question that I ask.
Please help me to understand.

So I guess this is goodbye.
I needed you but I guess you
did not want me. I thought you
understood me but I guess I
was wrong.

But I will always love you
even though you are leaving

I see more tears escape your
eyes as you sign you love me
too and you are sorry.

I guess I am going to have
to get used to this so...


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by robin milford

    This is beautiful very well written

  • 17 years ago

    by I love you always and today

    OMG that like practically brought tears to my eyes because i know a deaf person

    sad sad sad =[

    but great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Dragon Slayer

    That was my dad. i loved him, but he could not hear. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by SOxDeepIinxLOvex

    I like i like i like!!!! Lol

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Wow. this is sooo amazing.

    Did you really say that?
    Why do I have to leave?
    Do you not love me

    ^ i can understand this. and though i am not deaf, it sometimes i feel like i am. some days, i don't understand. why, how, who, or what......sometimes it is just how i feel. so i can relate in a hypothetical manner. great job.