A Canary's Dying Song

by Darien   Mar 11, 2008

A Canary's Dying Song

My cage, my home, my life
Held captive from the world
I crave the taste of fresh air
I long for the need of freedom

If only I could spread my wings
I would fly off into the distance
Be who I was meant to be
Do the things I was born to do

I wish I could fly forever
Until my wings are broken
And even when I'm falling
It will still feel like flying

Even behind these locked gates
Hope seems to drift in and out
I see beyond those metal bars
Dreams that are out of reach

Time fades with the sunset
Leaving me alone in my cage
I can see the sky from here
It seems so far away.

I wish I could fly.
I wish I could fly.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Bhavin

    Gr8 simile... (Sorry for a bad figure of speech)... Boss, I need to confess that I felt as if it wasnt just a canary's dying song. In fact it has to be the dying song of all those humans who are trapped behind an invisible cage of mental, emotional and social barrier.

    You seriously made me think as if there was no difference between the canary that you described and the people bound by freedom. We poets are lucky for being able to break these cages through our writings. Thanks for making me realise through this beautiful poem of yours.

    You deserve kudos for this poem and an entry in my list of favorites.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Wow this was just beautiful. I've owned many canaries before so this nicely written title captured my attention. One can take this poem literally and see about its about a canary but one can also relate this to people who feel as if they are locked with no way of escape and long for freedom. Either way this was beautifully written and I enjoyed reading what you had to say. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by X Harlea X

    It was a sad poem.it left me in tears after i read it.great job!u really know how to show emotions.5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Brandon Lee

    I like this it makes me think of one of my favorite quotes regardinga bird and freedom to fly. I would like to know what inspired you to write this if you would'nt mind telling.
    anyways it was very entertaining. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    This poem was so very sad and heartbreaking. Being held prisoner in your home is not a good place to be.

    My cage, my home, my life
    Held captive from the world
    I crave the taste of fresh air
    I long for the need of freedom

    This stanza really touched my heart and soul. For I long also for fresh air and freedom. The imagery is awesome. The emotion I felt while reading your words brought tears to my eyes.
    Excellent job!
    Take Care Cindy