Comments : Parents Just Don't Understand

  • 17 years ago

    by gwynnedolynskie

    Omg i love this poem!! 5/5 its awesome. and so so SO true.


  • 17 years ago

    by blind soul

    Ok that was really good! amazing and parents dont really understand! great job! ^_^

  • 17 years ago


    You are very right. Parents seem to have forgotten when they were kids not putting themselves in the way they used to think. I'll appreciate it if you could find time to go through my poems and comment on them. Please tell me how to enter the contest. Thanks.

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    I think this is simply a marvellous write. Not only have you captured the utter annoyance that teens have at not being understood; but you have brilliantly penned the mis-communication that happens (both ways) between parents and their children.

    Life was a little bit simpler when I was a teen, so I wouldn't really know the trials and tribulations that are a part of growing up in this era. Yet what you describe in this piece is age-old. Parents have always struggled to understand their children and they will forever more.

    Definitely the best part of this piece is how vividly you describe each of the scenes and how real you make the emotion that fills the page. You really let the reader into this state of mind, making them feel what you feel and see what you see. Really well done on that front.

    The flow was rock-steady in this poem. Normally I would have to re-read at least one part to make sure it wasn't me knocking the flow off. I didn't have to do this at all here.

    I have 2 very small critiques for this piece... and don't get me wrong, it does not take anything away from the poem. It is marvellous as it is.

    "They always think they're always right..."
    There is nothing actually wrong with this sentence, it just seems a little out of place as the rest of the poem is so elloquent.

    The title gives the game away right from the get-go. I think with a different title you could have enticed the readers a little more; kept them guessing who you are talking about.

    This poem is well worthy of a 5, it's a really great piece to read.


  • 17 years ago

    by LM

    You've done a great poem here about parents. Though you must know that they won't live forever, so don't hate your parents too much. Myself I lost my mum when I was only 16 years old.. and I'm 18 now.

  • 17 years ago

    by Megan Murderscene

    Thats great i really like this one that sounds like me everyday my parents dont understand anything and it reminds me of the things that i find really hard but its really deep great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    Finally something that makes sence... I liked your poem, I'm tottally lost as I guess every teen is... I think it's because we're in between adulthood and childhood, It's confusing cuz you just can't figure out which you are, I finally get the brittney spears song that goes I'm not a woman, I'm not a girl I'm in between

  • 17 years ago

    by Monse

    I love your poem and i think it's so amazing how you can just come with those poems. I think everybody could relate to it becuse it's just something we all gotta go through and good job:) :0

  • 17 years ago

    by Black Rose

    Adults dont take the time to listen to there childrens plea for help and often they are the ones left woundeing why there child commited suicide or cuts or ran away and most of the time its the perants that could have saved them but they always turn a blind eye

    Great poem specks loads for out genaration keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by GretaInsideOut

    Great poem! I totally understand. Very true, I'm adding this to my favourites!

    Greta xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Diana Barahona

    DUDDE; i love it.
    me and my mom just got in a fight today.
    she always makes up ecuses.
    she knows im right.

  • Damn! that poem explains my life to a T! wonderfully penned! ^-^

  • Damn! that poem explains my life to a T! wonderfully penned! ^-^

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    You have some talent for writing. And it shows through your poem. Very well written.

  • 17 years ago

    by Andy

    Great Poem! So true! Really really well written :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Vicki

    I loved this poem it is so true and so easy for the reader's to connect to you had a great use of vocabulary i really really enjoyed it!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    When did being a teenager start being a hard thing? I have been a teenager. I was a rubbish student and very shy. But I always knew that the people who had gone before me had probably felt the same way, and in that I found some solace that what direction I took on my own merits would some day get me through the hard times. And they do.

    That said, this is a well written poem that avoids obvious cliches while sticking to a rigid and traditional structure. Unfortunately it conveys nothing that thousands of other teenagers have tried to convey on here.

    The raw talent is abvious though. Keep at it. :-)

  • 17 years ago

    by Kim

    Okay, that was just amazing.
    Like you've probably heard many times before: I remember a few times I've felt exactly the way you describe in this poem.
    And you describe it incredibly well.
    Perfect flow, nice rhyme.

    Keep up the amazing work!
    This one is gonna be a fav!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ixora



  • 17 years ago

    by ReinaPuente

    I never could explain how my parents never under stood but this almost makes me want to give them this... they think they know us.. they think they have us figured out but they dont and that cant seem to except that