Should I have closed that door?

by Kimber   Mar 12, 2008

Tell me what I deserve
After everything I've done
Was I setting myself up for failure?
Was I finished before I had begun?
I walked a road I was called to
But the destination never came
All I found was millions of people
And for their hurt, I take the blame
Why couldn't I do more?
What am I truly called to do?
I fight my way against this world
Yet I'm still alone here feeling blue
I thought I was doing right
But then why has everyone left me?
God is still there I know
But is that only because He said he would be?
Have I shamed his glorious name?
Have I sinned against them all?
For so long I crawled through the dark
Why do I still feel so small?
Nothing I do can make things right
And I don't even remember why
I started this road in the first place?
There are only dark cloud in the sky
Heaven forbid I try to remember my opinion!
I gave it all up so very long ago!
So now I'm left to wonder
What was is it that made me fight everything so?
I lay here drowning in pain and tears
Nothing went as planned!
I prayed and prayed throughout it all
Yet I feel I am the only one damned
How did this happen?
What lesson am I supposed to learn?
Now that nothing is adding up
To the very beginning I am forced to return
Should I have closed this door the minute it opened?
Should I have turned and run the other way?
I never though about the consequences
All I strived for was a brighter new day
Now I've given someone a strength for so long
How can he survive without me?
If I was made to leave him at this fork in the road
What will become of him and me?
Were we never supposed to end up together?
Was this all for a greater purpose?
Then why does it feel so desperately wrong?
What now will become of us?


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