DeBbIe~* GoDbLeSs

by xxurbanxlaydeexx   May 21, 2004

You were there so happy, so full of laughter,
Bringing smiles to us all, giving love along the way.
You brought into this world one very special person.
Now I\'d do anything for this person as I love him so much more.
Your son was only weeks old when you stepped away from this world,
Your boyfriend didn\'t show to care, not even for his son.
We fought so hard to keep him in his own home surrounded with love,
We won this battle for you girl, we know we just had to.
Everyday your picture reminds us of your gleaming smile,
and your son will grow up to see what a fantastic mum you\'d have been.
Looking down on him we know you still care, and every night when the stars shine bright he looks up to one and smiles \ " There\'s mummy\"
I agree with him and say \" Yes she\'s looking down on you now Jay, just making sure you\'re o.k. She\'s that special person you never did see, but we still let you call her mummy and we\'ll make sure you never forget\".
Our girl who brought a sparkle to our eye and a smile upon our faces.
Our girl who brought this tiny special person into our lives.
Now we pray to God that one day we will get to see her again.

Sweet Dreams~God-bless!! xxxx

Copyright 2004.


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