I smiled today

by Rayarra Jones   Mar 14, 2008

I smiled today
because I seen you coming near
its like joy just washed over me
and clouded the atmosphere

I smiled today
because you were wearing my favorite shirt
I crossed my legs and watched you
and straightened up my skirt

I smiled today
because you had a twinkle in your eye
your eye could put the bluest ocean to shame
replace the very best sky

I smiled today
because you too were smiling at me
my cheeks turned a rosey red
as I looked aways shyly

I smiled today
because you told me how beatiful I was
you told me you loved me
and then gave me a hug

I smiled today
because I live in the arms of love
He's my all and everything
my angel sent from thee above


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Beautiful. Shanik