Submit a lie to the bossom of love...
...Where lust cannot be seen.
True love is what the soul must reap
To maintain it's irridescent sheen.
Submit a carressing to the pond
A mellow, but insistent bow...
...No words to speak...only thoughts remain
...To believe in our aging vow.
The angel of our love fell days ago
And here it lies still suffering
Grasping for all this cruel earth can embrace
Curled fingers clawed and reaching.
I stand so still just watching it
It looks straight into my eyes...
...There I see our faces as one...
...Our love that they despise.
So close I take a step toward us
And lend a helping hand
The angel of our love needs help
In this corroding sand.
Scars will not the pain will not go
...Knowing what they think of me
They took you, my life, away from me...
And now I am even still...longing to see.
Our hearts were melded into one...
...They didn't handle with care.
...And now I'm down on the earth just crying...
Alone with our angel...wings broken with no repair.
My crystal tears drop onto this earth
And make the sand an ocean
Swallows me up in tendrils of quicksand
In the remaining words you have spoken.
you are relly good. I like the emotion painted throughout. I love the rhyme too..and this..well:
My crystal tears drop onto this earth
And make the sand an ocean
Swallows me up in tendrils of quicksand
In the remaining words you have spoken.
..It made me tingle!
Well done 5/5
Michael p.s I am going to add you to my favourites.