Detailed Love

by No Name Needed   Mar 15, 2008

If you look at my poems,
Emotion is all that you will find,
But now I'll tell the story,
So you can make up your own mind.

I met this girl a few years ago,
When we were both fourteen,
I don't believe in love at first sight,
But she was the best thing I'd ever seen.

And by no means am I shallow,
It wasn't just pure beauty that attracted,
It was her body language and confidence,
And the way that she reacted.

She was the nicest girl, but different,
She possessed intelligence and grace,
She was outgoing and friendly,
With so much beauty upon her face.

She spoke to me because I was new,
And never hesitated to be seen,
When others stuck with their friends,
Not that they were mean.

She didn't talk to me through obligation,
Rather due to what was in her heart,
We had so much in common,
Thus providing a spark right from the start.

We got in depth eventually,
As our friendship grew and grew,
To keep me happy,
It seemed there wasn't a thing she wouldn't do.

She stayed up all night with me,
Sometimes 'til 7 AM,
It was such conversations,
That made me who I am.

We spoke about near everything,
Whether in depth or light hearted,
Then I began to love her,
Now the story has started.

I found out she felt the same way,
Call it young love if you will;
But what we had was special,
And it remains that way still.

We kept on getting closer,
Our friendship so strong that nothing could break it,
That no matter the adversity we faced,
We would always make it.

And that's how it was,
Until I fell depressed,
I grew weaker emotionally and physically,
And was always stressed.

But she never did falter,
She was there for me day and night,
I was in the midst of the darkness,
But in her I found a light.

I was suicidal, it's hereditary,
Just so you don't think she caused it,
My life was on the way down,
Until she came and paused it.

But not only did she do that,
She put it in reverse,
And even to this day,
I'm a victim to her curse.

See, we drifted and fell out of love,
She went and found another,
I had no one,
And only had the advice from my oblivious mother.

But my girl still stood by me,
Even if we had drifted,
For when I thought back to her,
My spirits were always lifted.

Oh, we still spoke from time to time,
It's not as if we became strangers,
But even the smallest alteration with her,
Is one of the biggest changes.

Now, we're back to being friends,
And every girl from here on in,
Is up against an unfair comparison,
They simply cannot win.

For my first love, she changed me,
She's had more influence than any other,
And yes that is inclusive,
Of my sisters, father and my mother.

I love her more than anyone,
And still do to this day,
I don't love just parts to her,
I love her in every single way.


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  • I loved it

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    It was decent. In some parts your rhyming was consistant and then you changed to rhyme, no rhyme, rhyme, no rhyme, which through the rhythm off. I like some of your choices you made with words. I hate to see the same words over and over again and I found a few I enjoyed. I wasn't fond of the first stanza. I felt you were introducing your poetry when you should have been introducing the poem. I understood the story all right which is good because that means you were clear. The title was unique. Overall I'd give this more than a three but less than a four. I can't give you that unfortunately...Hmm...Now I have to think about this...Tough decision...Which one to give...A three...or a four? Well it wasn't my favorite I'll give it a three.