Comments : Doesn't Matter

  • 17 years ago

    by debbylyn

    I know what's behind this one....and you are absolutely in your thinking.....probably all down to Karma if you will....and there is no "fair" in life...

    Well done as always...very thoughtful and intense....

    "Tomorrow is never promised
    Take each day to love and share
    Even if you do your best
    Doesn't matter, life's unfair "

    ^ So in the moment.....for no one is promised tomorrow....Love you Rachel!

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is very sad but so very true. I have lived through it. It is so sad when someone we know is struck down in their prime.

    "Tomorrow is never promised
    Take each day to love and share
    Even if you do your best
    Doesn't matter, life's unfair "

    Life is very unfair. But we have to make the best of the situation we have. It is very hard sometimes. Just always try and help someone...even if just a little compassion or a kind word.
    Great job!
    Love you
    Aunt Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Ingrid


    Somewhere down the line comes the realisation that we don't have a right to anything. The sweetest people often get hurt the worst and real bastards go through life without a worry on their minds...yes life is so unfair. But still I feel it is worth living because of the people that we have in our lives and all of the beauty that surrounds us. Stop and smell the roses at least one time a day....


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Wilburn

    Ode to nursing

  • 17 years ago

    by Lu

    I can only imagine how often you see these scenarios played out in your line of work.
    Yes indeed life is unfair by times .... but it is the kind-hearted people (as yourself) that make it even more beautiful.

    "Tomorrow is never promised
    Take each day to love and share
    Very inspirational couplet this is .... if people would get their heads out of their butts and see that a kind word, hug or smile can make the difference in another's life.

    "Past is history ... tomorrow is a mystery ... today is a gift ... that's why it's called the present"

    Can't remember the name of the song but ... the words stuck with me .... lol


  • 17 years ago

    by Aaron Deevers

    Tomorrow is never promised
    Take each day to love and share
    Even if you do your best
    Doesn't matter, life's unfair

    The ending was what I would say a very powerful one. This whole poem was witten to perfection and from a heart of a poet who looks at life in all ways. Touching all types of pain but still it was beautiful.

    Great job Rachel!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Love vs Fate


    i just wanted to say, im sorry about what happened in the poem. such a sad poem and so much loss.
    i also wanted to say that things do get better but it does take time.

    i will pray for you and for the children who die from a disease such as cancer.

  • 17 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Wow Rachel, this one surely has a great message. You really did a great job with this one. Everything is so true and so sad.

    great write

    all the best and take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Dennis

    Such a sad heartfelt poem from someone who touches so many lives in her line of work. Recent health problems earned a totally new respect from me for those in the nursing field...but no matter how much you give of're not God. Only he can explain why so many are taken from us long before their time should be up.

    Thank you so much for your comment on 'Empty Life'. I was going to ask if you'd define "filler words" more clearly for me...but reading this answered my own question. You write beautifully without wasting a word...something I shall try to learn from for future writings of my own.

    Keep writing your awesome poetry...and sharing your kindness with those you work with, Frustrating as it may be at make a far greater impact than you may realize :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    First off this poem is amazing and brilliantly written.

    The first thing I noticed is that the first stanza doesn't quite fit in with the rest because the title of the poem is "Doesn't Matter" and you end each stanza with "Doesn't matter . . . "

    But the first stanza doesn't end that way. Maybe you can figure out a way to end it the same way?

    Just a minor suggestion - It is still amazing if you keep it exactly what way it is now.

    This is such a mature poem and everyone can relate to it because everyone lives in the same world and we all experience these things everyday. It is just life and it is sad to say that this poem is true. All these things happen all around us and in the end it just doesn't matter because life goes on.

    The last two lines are a perfect way to end this poem.

    Even if you do your best
    Doesn't matter, life's unfair

    You go through the poem describing all these terrible things that happen in life and then you end the poem by summing it all up and saying life isn't fair. Basically no matter what you do - even if you try your best .. it isn't good enough.

    I can't even express how great this poem is. I even nominated it for the weekly contest. You did a brilliant job and props to you for writing about such a topic.

    5/5 =)

  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Very true unfortunately...
    i think you did a great job with this! you had such a mature town and it was a wonderfully written poem : ) 5/5 <33
    i voted for you in the contest!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sonetta

    I feel where your coming from to bad society cant read this poem not saying it will change every thing but it would be a step.........Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And your right nothing in life is fair

  • 17 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Sad. :( Great poem. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by imaginenation

    This is great. thoughtful, flowing, etc. love it.

  • 17 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    You have a personal fan now
    great 5 outta 5

  • 17 years ago

    by jojo

    Omg, this is so inspiring please can you help me write like this it would mean so much to me. G8 job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    It was a good piece, but I think you could have made it a little more powerful. I really liked the beginning, but as the piece went on, it seemed to lose something. My favorite stanza was the first one, followed by the second.


  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Great poem. It made a strong point and showed us some of the things that are wrong with the world. It had a great flow and the word choice was great. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by David

    You would see a lot of bad stuff in the hospital. i hope it doesn't get you down. this was was well written rachel. with so much depth. :)

    5/5 David

  • 17 years ago

    by desiring love

    This is a known fact that the world we live in is truely unfair.