Random limerics

by Jeri   May 21, 2004

There once was a girl named Jeri
the way she stared was quite scary
she stared all day long
and turned into a frog
and now Jeri is just a berry

there once was a cute little frog
he loved to chew up the logs
but a fairy came along
and sang him a song
and now all the frog does is jog

there once was a boy that was fat
he also owned a very fat cat
but he sat on his cat,
just imagine that
and now the cat has gone splat!

there once was a girl named Louise
she never ever ate her peas
but once she was caught
but she fought and she fought
and that girl still never eats her peas

please vote and comment!
i made them up off of the top of my head, they aren't supposed to make sense!


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  • 20 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I laughed after every paragraph, I love funny poems, please do write more.