The forward path to travel seems so long, so far
Lying face down in the gravel, the backward path so charred
The bridge is burned, I took my turn
And now you're left to second guess
How I could've done those stupid things I've done
You're the one, the only
And without you I'm so lonely
Just bearing the memory and the guilt of last summer
Nothings ever felt so wrong or dumb or
Made me have so many second thoughts
Overwrought with the pain of losing
The best thing that I have ever known
Without you I'm so alone
Nothing, I cannot find repair
Or a rope to grasp while I'm lying here
Trying to move forward, arm wrestling time
My grip lost on its fingers from the sweat on mine
I know that it's the only thing to do
I know I'll never once again have you, but still
My mind is pacing, my heart is racing
Wishing I could be facing you - looking you in the eyes
And I'd apologize, or try to take back all the lies
Even if you despise me, and victimize me - (line incomplete)