
by Andy   Mar 19, 2008

When it rained upon us..

You were always there to dry my face and kiss me sweetly,
I was always there to cover my coat above you and kiss you upon your cheek, yet ever so softly..

When it snowed upon us..

You were always there to make sure I was held tightly and loved strongly,
I was always there to kiss and warm you when you began to shiver

When the wind blew upon us..

You were always there to hold me tight and never let go,
I was always there to wrap myself around you and keep you secure..

Yet that was all before you left me..

Left me to stand in the rain,
Left me to freeze in the snow,
Left me to blow away in the wind..

You are now nothing but a memory in my mind..

A drop of water in the rain,
An icicle in the snow,
A leaf in the wind...

Copyright (c) of Andrew Johnston 12-4-08


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    this is amazing. I love how you have painted the perfect pictured romance, all tender and encompassing. The order seen through to its 2nd and 3rd bitter and sad conclusions.

    I love how you can draw the reader in with your imagery.

    Well done 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by katie

    Sounds like u got hurt
    poor thing
    we have all been there

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Awwww, thats great writing keep it up x