A Childhood Life (Part 1)

by Andy   Mar 20, 2008

A childhood life
So miserable and lonely..
So painful and unforgotten..

Primary school..
Just another day of misery,
I knew everyone, yet no one knew me..

The playground was just a prison cell to me..
Everyone else around me was having fun, yet I was just pushed away,
Tucked tightly away in the corner of the playground..

Never to been seen..
Never to be heard..
Never to be noticed..

As the crooked headmaster would ring the brass bell,
The children of the playground would rush inside,
Yet I would crawl to my weary feet and follow, but in last place..

Home was not so kind..
The parents were divorced,
I was constantly torn between the two..

The arguments were not so pleasant..
I was stood upon the middle of two fierce beasts
Arms swinging and voices blaring..

Crawling up the mountainous stairs,
With tears building in my eyes,
I shut the bedroom door behind me,

Opening the wardrobe door and sitting in the small empty space,
I close the wardrobe door behind me,
And sit in the dark, with tears streaming down my face..

But one day my father brought a puppy home,
Soon my life began to change,
I had a friend..

Someone who wanted to play with me,
Someone who cared about me,
Someone who gave me hope...

Copyright (c) of Andrew Johnston


This poem is based on parts of my childhood life.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by dandelion

    I can relate wd ds poem!! great great great!!

  • 17 years ago

    by katie

    This is so sad
    well till you get to the puppy lol
    i had tears in my eyes