Comments : False Pursuit

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Oohh my deaar this was just AMAZING! Has to be my fave from you by far! It was as if you were speaking this soley to me because I related with every word and phrase. Oh I am simply blown away ...

    The first stanza had me hooked because it reminds me of my love and how he makes me feel so I was smiling throughout. Even in the second stanza I was smiling because you described everything with such vivid detail it was amazing.

    Your choice of word "naive" was just brillant. It transitioned from the happy smiling I was experiancing to the reality I was ingnoring. The last three stanzas were soo sad and so heartfelt that I truly became emotional cause it reflects my life perfectly. It was as if you were speaking to me ,no joke, and I was left astonished.

    "You fell for him but you won't admit,
    He never loved you back, and wouldn't commit,
    Your quick love fest finished before it began,
    You came on too strong, so he ran,"

    ^Wow. Amazing stanza. You spoke such truth and meaning I was in awe of all you were saying. All girls fear of coming on too strong but I say if someone realllly wants something .. then go for it because its not going to come to you if you dont fight for it. Amazing.

    This poem was truly flawless. I couldnt find one thing I didn't like. The flow was great, the imagery, the words, the emotion ... EVERYTHING. This has to be one of my top fave poems on this site and I am still in awe. It is going into my favorites.

    Well done *5/5* for sure.