Reading this just gives me chills
love that is just so real,
How could I of all people be given
someone that just seemed to be a
I realize that it is not just a dream
but only as real as it can be.
Someone loves me and only me.
You give me light, life, your the only
person I could ever love, the only
person I have ever felt loved by.
I get to call you mine and hold you as
long as I want, keep you as long as
I want for the rest of my life.
Grow with you, get married to you,
have kids with you, just so much with
you that all my dreams have come
I just can't stop writing things about
you all I do in school is write about
you because your the only real thing
that I can write about we are the only
real thing that i can write about.
Baby I love you more than anything
in the world never ever forget that.