
by I Heart Question Mark   Mar 20, 2008

There's only so many times you can hurt a girl
After that shell walk out of your life on her own
And she wont come back
So to you guys out there with girls

A piece of advice
Care for her
Tell her how much you love her
Kiss her

Hold her hand
Hug her
Tell her you're sorry when you make her mad
But most importantly dint break her heart

Girls are sensitive
They believe everything a guy tells them
So don't lie to them, tell the truth
And don't keep secrets from them

Don't use them
Or treat them like slaves
And don't treat them like animals
They aren't some prize to be won

Girls are just like you
Humans and they want to be treated as such
Just remember they are sensitive
So don't break their hearts.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Hidden1

    I know that's right....well said and I like how you broke it down for the fellas to know that we are to be handled with care. I dig this so much. Keep up the good work. I think that is guys would treat us like they do their moms or sisters then we wouldn;'t be so hurt and heartbroken.