by Alex D Mar 21, 2008
category :
Sadness, depression /
grieving, loss
He's trapped, a prisoner of his own thoughts |
This really reminds me of the times I have fell into the pit I would have pulled someone out of if I could have. |
Haha, I don't care if it's cliche... it's good. The flow was alright and the word usage was excellent. The concept itself was very interesting and I enjoyed reading it... 5/5 |
"He's trapped, a prisoner of his own thoughts |
by KN
Wow, great poem. It's sad, but expressed so well. And there's something about the last line, "I miss you," that's so abrupt and honest because it seems somewhat separate from the rest. Great words and nice flow. 5/5 |
Where to begin? This poem was amazing. The beginning had me a little... intrigued. Then the flow picked it up and took off and it was just becoming an enjoyable read. Then it seemed to change pace slightly again... and ended with a nice twist. Not a major twist but something not expected from the start of this poem. I have to agree the length was a little bit much, but the pace change had me. I personally give this a 5/5. |