The painful return! :(

by Jamie   Mar 21, 2008

I close my pale eye lids,
And open them full of playfulness,
Your gone,
Out of my sight,

Four years later,
I open my door,
Your there,
What game took that long for you to come back,
You made your own game,
Played by your rules,

Rules: -He can leave and come back when ever he wishes,
- Also treat you how he wants.

I hate those games,

I was deeply in love with my boyfriend,
As you tore us apart like a pack of wolves,
Scarfing us down,
In your filthy mouth,
You got me alone,
You got what you wanted,
Suffering in pain,
From my departure,
I loved him,
Why did you have to do this,
You and your childish games,
I am not a kid anymore,

I have to face you,
Like a tiny scorpion i am,
fighting you fiercely,
Trying to stand up for the one i love,
But you have magic,
You have a curse over me,
Every time i fight you off,
My wounds get bigger,
Bleed out pints of blood,
So i am so weak i cannot breath,
Without you controlling me...

I will one day come back to you my love,
But this is my battle,
I have to find away to concur,
And be in your arms once again...

Written by Jamie Much


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  • 16 years ago

    by perfectlyBROKEN

    Awww i love it, its beautiful babe.. xox 5/5 for sure.. <3