Those Sweet Words

by Bugg   Mar 22, 2008

"I love you."
I long to hear those sweet words
Speak them with a truthfulness
Prove to me that you do have a heart

"Will you marry me?"
I want to hear those sweet words pour from your lips
Bend down on one knee and take my hand
Prove that you want me forever

"I'm sorry."
I need to hear those sweet words
After our arguments that really mean nothing
Hold me close afterwards
Prove that we are both silly kids in love

"I'll never stop loving you."
I deserve those sweet words
I know that they're true, but I need to hear them
Prove to me that you do love me


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  • 17 years ago

    by jojo

    I absolutly love it!! However some help is I think "I'm Sorry" stanza should be first and the "I love you" one should be second so it goes from least important to my opionion you don't have to

  • 17 years ago

    by Tara

    I liked the poem, it was beautiful and gracful anmd so true, keep up the great work---tara

  • 17 years ago

    by Bugg

    Dunno. Got the title from a Nora Jones song. Thought it was cute so I thought up a little poem.... :D