This poem was just created one morning and I decided to post it on here. You can put any reason into this poem, but it focuses on how we all wake up...weird O.o
Maestro start.
[Though it should have a comma after "maestro"...
This is one of the most brilliant beginnings I've ever read.]
Music is not suppose[d] to make sense[, ]I'm just waking up.
Two errors there, but other than that.. Great god.
This is the most magnificent ending ever.
I've always said the ending and the beginning are the most important, and the thing is, you nailed them both.
The middle is a little shaky..
I feel you could put a lot more description and emotion into it.
But your wording -- flawless!
Your flow -- Magnificent!
Your ideas-- Wonderful!
You have such potential.. Just.. describe. It makes every poem a thousand times stronger.
And, just in case..
You're not a failure at poetry. You're very good, in my opinion.