Snowbound 23 to Lonely

by Quietly Versed   Mar 22, 2008

It snowed once last fall,
Snowbound, and I wrapped in my clad shawl,
Wandering if dreams were meant to be life at all.

With emotion of simplicity and lack,
I fondled through cabinets in search of nutmeg sack,
I searched for matches in the drawer below,
And looked up to the absence of mistletoe.

A knock at my door, a thought of carolers or children to adore.
With cold embracing my wrinkled skin,
My porch was empty,
A sad revelation, inviting disappointment once again.

My snowbound days are painted grey.
"Picture shows" of family snows leave me ill with sorrow.

I have no spices, no mistletoe.
I have no carolers, nor children to know.
My first snowfall was in 23,
And my last was cold and lonely...just sorrow and me.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    How sad, i dont think i have read a poem about the snow season being bad and lonely before.. but you really painted a picture of loneliness in my mind. The imagery was amazing. It really brought my spirits down, which i guess means the poem was very well written. The structure was interesting and the flow was good. A very good write, once again.

  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    Juz rEadiN thIs, MaKes My HeArt wEep...sO tOuchIn, sO heArtBreakiNg..tHe PictuRe wAs LuCid aLL thrOughOut tHe pOem..I Love tHis One..You OftenLy expreSsed What yOure gOin thrOugH juZ liKe whaT i'Ve sAid EarLieR..And tHe unEven StruCtuRe oF yOur pOem Made It aN inTerEstiNg oNe..

    NiCe wOrk..KeEp iT uP...5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww, thats really good keep it up x