Pain and depression

by Lucero Villafana   Mar 24, 2008

She goes to school every day with a smile on her face.
She laughs with her friends and pretends everything is OK.
She looks good and happy but the truth is she goes home everyday and cries alone, works her way through fears and self rejection
No one knows this 17 year old girl thinks of committing suicide
She looks so fine no one seems to see what's really inside
She sits in her bed and cries her heart out to a boy she calls the man of her life
And questions herself, does he really care?
Is he really there?
Will he help me fight and go through all this pain?
Will he be by my side everyday in life?
Will he ask me to be his wife and always tell me everything is going to be alright?
She knows he's the only one that can save her but does he know?
Does he know she wakes up reaching for him every morning?
Does he know he's her weakness and her strength?
Does he know this girl prays for them every night to last forever?
Does he know she cries herself to sleep because she's scared of loosing him?
He shows her he loves her and makes her feel like she's the world to him
But as the days go on he takes her love for granted
And puts her to the side not knowing what he's doing
He asks her how shes doing
She answers great denying what she really feels inside
The pain she feels when he's not by her side
The pain she feels when he acts different
The pain she feels when something in her head is telling her she's loosing him
This boy doesn't notice any of this pain and fear she's going through
She's so good at hiding most of it
That when he visits her,
Her smile wipes off her tears,
Her laughs cover up the hurt and the depression she's going through


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by xL0st1slf

    I have definitely felt this way before.. keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by lina

    Heyy ...ur peom has really nice words , but i think you should things more clear , its kind in the middle confusing , but well done

  • 16 years ago

    by Natalie

    This is definately a very heart-felt poem. The reader feels the pain your character is experienced as it is one that each and every human has at one point experienced, love and need. Greatly inspired, it does justice to the feeling of being vunerable and needing moral support. I liked it.

    I would advise you, however, to avoid repetition so much as it steals away from the feeling in your poem. Sometimes a few less words can be more effective. Maybe try re-arranging your words to create stanzas?

    A great read nonetheless.

    Please have a read over my poetry and let me know what you think. :)


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