What I thought

by Melissa Freeman   Mar 24, 2008

Once I was happy with you.
I thought nothing would ever change
and that my life was set.
That idea was quickly shattered when you chose her over me.
You broke my heart and I never thought I would recover.
It was on that day that I realized I have friends.
Now I work on building stronger friendships.
I'm grateful for those in my life and
I know that I never needed you.
What I thought was good with you wasn't.
You are the great heartache of my life and
now also a distant memory.


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  • 1 year ago

    by Paul Stotts

    Please not me... PLEASE, I will treat you just the way you teach me. This strange disorder autism, not knowing the socially right from wrong. Not blaming, only understanding myself. Once I've learned, been taught that a standard has been set, don't EVER do these things, I will agree and be taught! I love you

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