This place seems so cluttered
when a butterfly fluttered it fell
down it went without a thought
i watched it die and wonder wow
Thats scary how no one gives a second though about you
when your gone
they don't think about you in the could ground
all the lives you've changed or distroyed thats what they think about
sure you messed up but thats your fault.
so what if you got drunk at a party and crashed your car
think of your mother and father and relatives
they are all thinking why would you be so stupid
drinking and driving what were you thinking?
You maybe as light as a butterfly
but they are as heavy as a cloud
they are the ones left behind
while you flutter away into the unknown
they wonder if you will ever come back because the truth is your as light as a butterfly and they cant change that fact.
Thats the end of you and me good bye my beautiful butterfly.