The hunt begins
Shaking hands slowly move down
I reach for my knife, handle to my palm
Teeth round sharp, yet nice to the touch
A growl starts to emerge from my once quiet voice
The air goes thin
My breath cold as ice
Yet I still draw my knife
I look around carefully, knowing that everything can change
I listen to my surroundings
My heart races, going calm after a moment or two
But it doesn't help me
I know it doesn't for all I can hear is my pulse
Yet I know to stay quiet
Turning fast I hear something move from afar
Fear escapes me
Going calm I know that the race has begun once again
But did it ever start?
A cold sweat races down my back, no fear
I point my knife steady
Carefully I step forward, making no sound
The coming sound becomes more fierce
I take a step back, yet I stand my ground
Hope begins to wither away
My hand shakes, the knife descents to the ground, cutting into it quickly
My gaze turns black, I look down with angry
It starts to consume my being
But I dont let it
Carefully my gaze turns to my hands
Shaking, unwary of the nearing danger, they seem to fade
The fear that once left, returns, killing all other emotions
Looking down I see my hands turn
A howl appears from my broken voice, I look around
My teeth grow more sharp
I seem not to hold on
Reality diminishes
My eyes flash red as I fall to my knees
Dirt covers me, leaving me to seep under
Pain courses through me
I feel nothing
I try to scream, yet howls find there way in
Is this the end, I ask myself
No!, it can't be, not now
Will I die?
Is this what death is?!, I cry
The ground shifts
I feel as if my body seeps through the cracks
Yet my body stays
The ground it holds me there
I can't move
My eyes close shut fast
Nothing comes from it
Voices are heard, they close in
My body shakes, hoping that it will all go away
Yet they don't
My body, it feels as if it shuts down
But I still hear everything
I feel a burning inside, a dreadful feeling
Why can't I understand it?
What have I done?, I ask myself over and over again.
The feeling of regret fills me
But what did I ever do?
The questions escape me
To my surprise, the feeling that eluded me for what seemed forever, disappears
The time began to pass by quickly but quietly
I try to scream out yet no one hears my plead
The voices end
My howl echoes throughout the forest
A wind picks up
My eyes flash open
My vision black and white, I get a chill
It races and catches up to my spine.
I try with all my might to stand yet I can't
I look down, jumping up with fear I see nothing but snowy white hands
Yet I know they arent hands
To my surprise, paws touched the ground
My heart race slows down
My breath almost becomes still as I look over at the knife that I left
Than I get the courage to stand
Standing on all fours, I walked over quickly to the knife
Its smell courses through my skin
But quickly I look away
The sky turns a crystal blue as my gaze raises
I forget everything
Not knowing what happened, I pace myself
Time stops, everything goes still
The wind is no more
My voice cracks and a deep howl emerges
I remember it
I know it
But did I truly know it?
The smells disappears, no heartbeat
Yet am I still alive?,
Everything fades, but how can I stay here
To my side I smash once again, I can't control myself
Everything tunnels
Black, red and grey spots play in my mind
I know nothing
I lose everything inside
All I seem to know is that I will never be the same, but I must go on
Its now or never, but I must give
No i can't
Yet my strength gives in
My eyes close but very slowly
I see color than it all drifts away fast, as if it was sand shifting through fingers
My mouth buckles tight
Darkness fills me and as I seem to disappear from here,
I remember everything
I seem to know everything from my past
I look within myself
But I see nothing
My mind drifts off and I cry
Yet no tears fall
I want to live, but will I?
I feel my faith wander off, knowing that it will never find its way home
But hope seems to never escape my daring glance
Than before everything blacks out for forever
I see myself, knife in hand
Hands shaking
Grip tight
Knowing that the hunt has just begun
Knowing that this isn't the end
For nothing ends without a fight
Yet it won't be here
Not yet, not now
For the time must go on
Cause in the end nothing ever begins
It always just seems to drift away like sand in the wind
For a wolf, well that will someday end
But somehow it will always start up again