Comments : Behind Her Eyes

  • 16 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    I've come across your work as a result of joining a new club. And I'm a little shocked no one has commented on this poem before. It's a strong write, and makes for a determined read. It's rich with nice rhyme schemes, flows beautifully, and demonstrates an ability to tell an emotional tale with sincerity.

    Just one thing:

    "She tries so hard to tell herself it's real
    To finally take the wheel and steer"

    I find this doesn't really suit the rest of the poem, mainly due to rhyme scheme. I read it again as this:

    "She tries so hard to tell herself it's real
    To finally grasp and steer life's wheel"

    I know it's my own sentiments changing that line, but I just thought I'd share.

    You are a very creative and entertaining writer.