Comments : Darkness

  • 16 years ago

    by nicolette

    That poem i loved it really speaks to me i hope u reveiw my poems byeeeeeeeee

    the best poem i ever heard.

  • 16 years ago

    by ForbiddenSnowflake

    Wow that was a really good poem. I like the use of darkness as water so you can understand how it would feel like.

    -So I slowly slip below the world of conscientiousness
    undetected by the occupants of that world
    I don't want to fight anymore
    I've given into darkness-

    I really like this ending giving into darkness. I can defintely relate to this writing. Good work!

  • 13 years ago

    by nicolette

    Thanks please if you really like it vote for it and look at some others, also if you know other people on the site could u possibly tell or ask them to look at more of my poems. In return I'll vote for and/or read yours

  • 13 years ago

    by nicolette

    Thanks please if you really like it vote for it and look at some others, also if you know other people on the site could u possibly tell or ask them to look at more of my poems. In return I'll vote for and/or read yours