I hate you for making s**t so hard and not giving me a chance.
You took my choices out of sight before I could even glance.
I hate you for the hardship you put me and others through.
Only I can estimate how much in my heart how I truly hate you.
I hate you for the threat to nature and the suffering of nations.
I hate you for breaking hearts and not answering any questions.
No one can escape you no matter how hard they try.
You make people lay in there sorrow asking themselves why.
Your boundaries outline the universe as far a scientist know.
You have no feelings but the anger and pain seems to show.
Not only what you do is considered normal, it is a cycle.
For generation you made people extremely sad or made them smile.
For centuries and eras you have yet remained the same.
Through geographical and technical changes you have the same name.
It's obvious your too old to change now, or have sympathy.
But it's really cold how the things you do leave me in agony.
Many species suffer the consequences of what you do.
Many chose a religion to practice to ease the pain of you.
Though many think that works but in reality it does nothing at all.
No matter what others practice or believe you will find a way to make them fall.
Only the lucky ones make it and so far I have lost.
There are different levels but you have to pay the cost.
And this gigantic game that we all as living things have to play,
Are going forever in debt because it is just too much to pay.
And the challenge starts the first second you take a breath.
And the game starts when you get older and experience stress.
The pain starts when you discover there is no escaping,
And you collapse on the floor with your heart aching.
I hate you for manipulating others in thinking your right.
But you are just doing your job, that's why your called Life!