A Sinner's Perfect Plea

by Beautiful Chaos   Mar 27, 2008

Take all of me
Every piece
And dying

It's all there
Soaked into every bone

Every defeat
Every victory
Every moment
Ingrained into this being
Your creation

The seeds of your mind
Set upon this ball of confusion
Searching for our way home

Put to bed inside nirvana
Blanketed with comfort
This is why we call


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  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Wow. Omg. Just wow. Your poems always seem to amaze me. I don't think I could have written a better poem using that title. It was comforting to read, because I think the message is saying that no matter how messed up you are God will always forgive you and love you and it just makes you feel good to know there's someone out there that will do that.

    You wrote this in a very unique way. The structure was a little odd, but it definitely made more of an impact than if you had written it in "normal" way. Your vocabulary was strong but not too complicated, which I loved. Then ending tied everything together and left a lasting impression.

    Overall this was a truely great poem.

    Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    I simply love this. I've read this poem twice and I deeply enjoyed in every stanza. This is so deep from the first to the last line, filled with excellently portrayed emotions. I can even relate to the feelings that you expressed in a way. I like the structure of this poem, it is simple yet you created interesting rhythm and flawless flow with it. I also like your choice of words through the whole poem a lot. Very powerful and greatly done!
    Keep up :)

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