Pinocchio told her that her was friend wise.
She said yes but that she is a little shy.
Pinocchio asked if he could see her friend.
He didn't care if it was all just pretend.
Said the red robin used to be a woodpecker.
Pinocchio thought what a real home-wrecker.
Yes and that he would have to lose his wood.
She then asked him if he thought he could.
Said he didn't know and he still pondered.
Sometimes he thought so but he wondered.
He said she must be really enchanted, too.
Comes with the territory; What you going to do?
He said he couldn't argue with any of that.
He should wait before chewing any more fat.
She said that she would always be his friend.
He was always welcomed in the land of pretend.
Said he would have to ponder some more.
She said take some time and lets explore.
Its a beautiful day; Lets not waste it.
Life is so wonderful; Can't you taste it?