Showered Sacrament

by Quietly Versed   Mar 30, 2008

Showered sacrament,
By the grace of His hand.
Greatness is my lament,
(My lust), that I am man.

The old man's reparation,
The sun that sets again.
The apple tree, the garden,
Metaphors of sin.

Spartan man of old.
Ascetic lavish way.
God within my soul,
I'm merely made of clay!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    The tittle caught my eye, nice poem... love the words and the way you refered to some things by other words... the ending is perfect, just enough to take my breath away.... great poem, really nice!

  • 16 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    I am impressed. This is one of the best poems in 'life' category I've read in a while. I like the topic and your flawless, vivid descriptions. The fact that you managed to say so much within just three short stanzas is remarkable. Truly unique poem, filled with excellently expressed emotions. I like the imagery in each individual stanza a lot. Fantastic piece, very profound.
    You have a way with words.