Little Clay Soldier

by NytherHerenorTher The hooded poet   Mar 30, 2008

Little clay man, little clay soldier, he's so shy he's so bold.
And all this time he's been training, and now he's on the front line. His mom's so proud, but her voice is not loud, she smiles and exhales as he enters the crowd.

Little does she know though that the little clay man knows that his task is a quite a little gray plan. Though he knows the outcome is far better, his soul shivers in the thought of the coldness of the weather.

He can't see to far ahead, the sand is so very dry, and now that he's been fighting so long, he begins to cry. His sword so sharp, and his shield so strong, the other soldiers have been fighting so long. But this little clay man doesn't give up that easy; his little clay boots are so very muddy.

When will it be over, when will it end? He's been wounded and hurt, he's has fallen and been bruised, tossed and thrown, lied to and confused. But this little clay soldier is far more than this war, his eye is on the prize, what he has always been looking for.

Till one day, clothes tattered and torn, a trumpet sounds and a new day is born. He wasn't alone. The potter who made him was there with him the whole time. He picks him up, and says, "Don't be sad little clay soldier, you were always mine." He smiles and fixes him, and brushes off the clay, and revealing the gold, now the war is over, the prize the gold man has now will never grow old.

"Hey everybody! It's me the author. I just wanted to tell you a little about the poem. It represents or is symbolic of a christians life. The clay soldier is really me, but can be anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior AND Lord. When a Christian soldier enters the "crowd" and "his mom's so proud" this represents when a person accepts Jesus and enters into the eternal life of Jehovah God by a intimate relationship through his Son Christ Jesus, and they enter into the "battlefield of life" (in the bible, read the book of Romans the tenth chapter and the 6th through 10th verses..and John 3: 16). The clay represents the body of a human, and also all that is corrupt and mortal. But that one day, after the war against satan is over, God (a.k.a. the Potter in the poem) will take that soldier on resurrection day (read the book of first Thessolonions the 4th chapter and the 14th through 18th verses) and God will change his body into immortality and give him the perfect image of Christ (all who believe in God the Father's Son Jesus and receive salvation and give there lives to God because He gave His life for them will have God change them like this). This prize is FAR BETTER than any prize that man can give us, because it will never go away. Thanks for reading all this, I really appreciate it a lot! God bless! PLEASE COMMENT :) And remember, God loves you so much! ;)"


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