Comments : An Angel's touch

  • 20 years ago

    by East Poetry

    thomas f at 2004-05-19

    This has got to be hands down the greatest poem ever written words cant express the way this poem touches me randy hats off to you youve got tallent i will be looking for more thanks.

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    Michelle ( F P C ) at 2004-05-19

    everything thomas said and then some!!! wow randy..I am soooooo impressed...and that's not always easy to do!!! unique, unique..word of the day...ALWAYS looking for something original and this fits the bill!!! will really look forward to reading more of your stuff!!! fantastic,a nd thx for your comment as well..take care, michelle :)

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    Matthew at 2004-05-20

    Your poem gave me chills.

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    Randy at 2004-05-20

    I have known this man for over 5 years and I never knew he had this talent among his other many, this is the most sweetest poem, has a great choice of words and makes sense and even rhymes, I am in total awww!!! Keep it up sweetie, I love you!! Your wife, makala

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    Andy85 ( C ) at 2004-05-20

    Wonderful poem.Great work here.

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    shorty 2034 at 2004-05-20

    that was so beautiful i loved it it made me cry great job

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    Ann Marie ( F P C ) at 2004-05-20

    GREAT GREAT job, Randy! Unbelieveable! Can't wait to read more of your stuff

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    t at 2004-05-20

    that was just beautiful, i loved it. it brought tears to my eyes, very, very touching. would love to read more.

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    Janine at 2004-05-20

    Amazing.. there is not much else to say. everything was in perfect sequence you truly are talented. Great Job.

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    Heather ( F C D ) at 2004-05-22

    i have to agree with wut matthew said but i loved your poem and i can see why you would think you are married to an angel she has to be very lucky to have you keep writing

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    ~Someone at 2004-05-22

    awww, that was so sweet, i loved it, i actually cried, so much emotion, so beautiful

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    BaybeBlew at 2004-05-22

    That was an awesome poem...that is one of the my favorite poems on the site. Your really talented Randy, you should keep writing. Its awesome you've found someone that great, not very many people do. Hope you post more of your poems

    -Blue ^_~

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    Amy ( F C D ) at 2004-05-22

    Wow!! Great job Randy!!! I love this poem...its just beautiful!! Great job!!! I love this a's so beautiful!

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    David Velazquez ( F P C D ) at 2004-05-22

    This poem is very inspirational. I love the rhymes you use, and the ending was incredible. It being a dream was predicted, but the holding hands was a total surprise to me. I loved it.

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    LiLcarrotQT AKA Brittany Spears at 2004-05-23

    This is a really good poem. I liked it. It came from the heart.
    keep writing n check out my poems
    just put LilcarrotQT AKA Brittany Spears in and read my poems
    thanks a bunch

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    Magaron Winters at 2004-05-23 I wish was an actual reality...I'm the poem already,making me think of someone from for brighting my day!

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    kelsey at 2004-05-23

    i luved it, it was soo good, it made me tear up. keep it up.

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  • 20 years ago

    by David Munoz

    Very nice well written poem. Dont you wish dreams would come true?

  • 20 years ago

    by East Poetry

    Thank you so much, it means so much to me to hear such nice remarks about my poem, ill try to keep the goods ones rollen in.

  • Nice, I like that one. At first I didn't know where it was going, but you brought it together nicely at the end.

  • 20 years ago

    by Mercedes

    omg....can u get any better? You are indeed an inspiration to all writers i love your work and your words are so gentle. Your poems flow, u are truly an artist

  • 20 years ago

    by tae


  • 20 years ago

    by hayley williams

    WOW WOW WOW, amazing.
    I dont know what else to say, you blew me away!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    Beautiful poem Randy East. You'll forgive me if the only criticism I can muster are a few grammatical errors. In the second to last stanza, it reads "I looked into you soft blue eyes", and I believe it should be 'your' not 'you'. In stanza number four, you use the word 'composer' which is someone who writes music. I believe you meant to use the word 'composure'. My only other comment besides 'I loved it' and 'here are some errors...' is that in stanza nine, you don't really rhyme anything, since you use the same wod (i.e. away) twice. Keeping these things in mind, I really felt this poem is a work of art, great job!

  • 20 years ago

    by Bre*Baby

    awwwwww that was soo good! i love it love it love it lol! keep up the good work

  • 20 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    loved your poem =) touched my heart... hope u can visit mine =) read THE OBJECT and DESTINY (HER SUICIDE NOTE) thank u =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    Absolutely breathtaking. What a beautiful write. Caught it on a recent contest post and felt compelled to comment. Wonderful piece.

  • 19 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    This poem is amazing and your wife is very lucky to have a man that treats her the way you do
    this is something i hope for in my future

  • 17 years ago

    by Ariana

    Amazing stuff, i really thought i would find this cliched and overrated, but instead it is original and sincere. Very impressive :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Ray Smallshaw

    Randy as you asked I read this scary beautiful poem, it reminds me of a number of times in my life I have woken from a nightmare with my love one there to give me solace and the realisation that there is a God who looks over us and does listen to us. Funny though my nightmares use to always be whales swallowing me. ha! ha! Think it has something to do with me being an ex-submariner ha! ha!
    I have added it as a favourite as I have you many thanks for your kind comments and for allowing me the pleasure and honour of reading your wonderful poem. Ray S 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was a breathtaking and mind-blowing piece Randy, thank you for posting and sharing your beautiful words with others. Not one line was cliche or didn't hold my attention, this was a deep and touching piece, and truly a work of art. My only suggestion would be to put a question mark at the end of line sixteen, that whole phrase is asking something. My only other suggestion would be to not place a period at the end of every single line, but rather place comma's for two or three lines, then place a period to end that stanza. Does that make sense? Because I felt there just needed to be a pause after three or four lines, not a complete stop. Other than that, I enjoyed this read very much. 5/5 from me. Have a good day and take care!


  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Beautiful show of love. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is a masterpiece

    I was surprised and delighted by the hook at the end of this heavenly release of romantic poetic passion

  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    This one was better than the first three :)
    You did a wonderful job expressing the love/romance. You should consider yourself talented. I do :)

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    This is more like a story type poem. I enjoyed, the details, the decription, the imagery, the flow, the tone. It had everything. 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    This was almost scary at first. but then you awoke. great imagery. really like this. although the spacing is a little hard to comprehend. this was really awesome.