Moon Rise

by Krissymkitty   Mar 30, 2008

As the moon rises,
All the dark creatures come out
The undead rise
And the vampires and werewolves fight
Amongst the shadows tonight, though,
Are some unwanted eyes
A human stalks the shadows tonight
Watching these creatures come to life
Werewolves changing
Vampires feeding
And the dead walking
Yes, this human watches in fear and amazement
As, what's suppose to be, fictional things come to life
He slowly walks, trying to make it to his apartment
One cautious step at a time
Oh no!!!
He stepped on a stick
And he could hear it ring loudly
Everyone looked over
To see one human boy,
Eyes wide with fear,
In the middle of the road
He stands there for a few seconds
Then takes off running down the street
The others following
He gets to the front door of the apartment building
It's locked
For it is a full moon
The creatures caught up
And tore him apart
The vampires bit
As the werewolves tore
And the undead did the same
By the time they were done
There was nothing left
And no one to take the blame of his death
For the boy forgot the danger of night
On a full moon...


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  • 16 years ago

    by miracle

    Good poem i love it