
by bryan agpawa   Mar 30, 2008

I know whats the filling of being left alone

that just like a cage that blocked your emotion
so you cant let the hurts and desire passed away

there so much darkness and uncomforted days is passing to you overtime you thing of it

a cry of loneliness setting you young mind to change
for a bigger influence

but friend
and listen

dint you see the flowers around you?
dint you see the glowing light of the sun ?
dint you see the blue sky covering the earth from darkness?
dint you see the smile of the innocent ones?
dint you see the running water falls that give life to the animals?
dint you see us?

us that always making you feel your not alone.

friend live your life to the fullest .

love your day and night.

love your self.

and also everyone around you.

cuz your not alone inside and out side.

where here to share you a smile.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Flynel

    Nice, And positive, Ill hope it will be true for the most ones.. ^^

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