Your Daughter

by rpmnark7   Mar 30, 2008

Is it just a waste of time

to call you on the phone

to ask you how your day was

because you'd rather be alone?

Is it really the end of the world

when you have to hear my voice

you act as though you only talk

because you have no choice

I have never blamed you

for the things you never did

For us girls and all the truths

that from us you hid

I have always given you another chance

to be the man you wished to be

And i know im far from perfect

but dont you still love me?!?

After 16 years of life

we cant stand face to face

But you're still my father

so am i just a disgrace?

I hope one day you'll be happy

with us AND with her,

But till then i love you

love always YOUR DAUGHTER


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