I have tried to stop
But i think im addicted
Addicted to the pain
Pain, and the strain
That i see my arm gives me
When I push harder, because red is what I want to see
See I ahve a problem?
But I dont want to get it taken care of
Because its my way out
The blood that runs is my way to hsout
Doing it calms me
Im not exactly sure why
And its just easier than talking
To someone thats so use to walking,
Away, and im not sure anyone would understand
Or if they would want to
"I'm just a teenager who just wants attention"
No, I'm a teenager who has to much stress and tension
Stress to be perfect
Which no one is
I wish people would understand that, and those are feelings they once had
But they dont so I'm considered bad
A bad attitude
A cold heart
No conscience
These are lables that got put on me
Because no one knows, they are to blind to see