Comments : YOU CAN :0

  • 16 years ago

    by Biya

    Although the way you wrote your poem is not correct but Its words are well chosen.This is your intelligence that in whole poem you tried to say 'he has gone' with different sentences..WOW ! You can say a single point in different sentences !
    Lovely , just puntuate this poem , as the poems are!
    5/5 n a vote from me !

  • 16 years ago

    by David

    Try to take out the �?�¢?? in the poem, it was wonderful. i love how you set it out and every word that you wrote. you have boundless amounts of talent. well done.

    5/5 from me, David

  • 16 years ago


    =D !! i ReAllY LikE tHiS p0eM !! g00d w0rK !! = D!!