I'm not perfect girl
i have catch attitudes when I'm mad
I'm impatient at times
and i always have to prove a point
but those things are what makes me
i have flaws
and at times i don't understand myself at all!
i don't share my emotions
because it's something that just isn't me
i sometimes may put pride before things
which i admit isn't always good
i laugh at things form the past
and refuse to settle for less
but is it wrong to think i should have the best?
I'm a little sensitive... and insecure...but you don't think of those things
until they come to mind...
I've learned that you will never be able to except you self
and learn to completely love your self
until you think of who you really are
and over time
I've learned that I'm not perfect
but I'm perfectly fine with being imperfect...