A waste of time

by SomewhereAmongThePieces   Apr 3, 2008

Broken pieces of a watch that never told time
Remind me of the days when time stood still
We would just lie there like nothing else mattered
Like nothing else existed and nothing ever will

But now your life is too busy for me
Wasting time is exactly as it sounds
There are more productive things to do
Never a chance to put the book down

So this is how it is
Youve forgotten I exist
Im a fragment of your past
A childhood that would never last

Stop making up excuses for why
All I know is that youre not here
All I see now is a broken watch
All I am has become perfectly clear

A waste of time


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  • 16 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    Beautiful poem. A friendship that is gone. Loved the rhyming scheme. I give 5/5 =]

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