Invisible tears

by StandStill   Apr 5, 2008

It's too easy to cry
when you're laughing in the rain
but what happens when the drops are invisible?
Upon what do you blame the wet pain?

Invisible raindrops are falling from her heart
they match her invisible little tears
they play a beautiful song for the world
a melody that echoes with her fears

she wants to dance and to sing of happy times
but they were all just pretend
too bad that there's no sunshine or hope
with which this poem can end

Thousands of cracks line her little black box
a never ending puzzle of pain
and thousands of cracks line her little black heart
it's hard to have pay mind when you're insane

How many little black lines can her eyes leak down?
how long before the puzzle is unrecognizable?
how long will these invisible tears fall down her face
before her pain becomes beyond unbearable?

*lol..jesse, you're right*


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Great job, really well written xx

  • 16 years ago

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Little black box
    rain drops,
    hahah gabby there is so many secret references that nobody will even know about if they havent read my poems b4 urs. thats SO cool. like a treasure hunt

    btw great poem

  • 16 years ago

    by RB

    I don't exactly understand what happened to this girl and why she's said but nevertheless its a beautiful poem.

    "Invisible raindrops are falling from her heart
    they match her invisible little tears
    they play a beautiful song for the world
    a melody that echoes with her fears"
    ^this stanza was unbelievable! well done :)

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