Comments : Im going to let go

  • 16 years ago

    by Not

    Good poem I can relate to this
    keep writing..5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Dawn aka Dominique

    The flow of this poem was kinda like each set of lines or w/e was marching to it's own drum like there was different rhythyms in differents parts of the poems like......" I tried so much, Just can't get you, So I'm going to let go,So bye, I tried.....and then.....later in the poem...."I hope not to see you in my dreams, But I hope to at least talk to you, Not to be friends but to just talk.....

    Do you see what i'm talking about?[[[seriously im not trying to be harsh.....but im seriously just giving you honest feedback to try and help you with writing poems in the future]]] So yeah you might wanna check you on that make it kinda even out of some what [[[ yeah but i try to give honest and open critques' and comments' to ppl, and I always wish to get them back to even see without telling me if it's good or not but at least if they liked it]]] so yeah in my book i wouldn't consider this poem good.....but every once in a while i just come across a poem that I dont quote as a absolute 5/5 but it's just something about that poem that I liked about it! On my profile it says in 16 but im really only 13 and i'm starting high skool next year and i have such a strong feeling this will somehow,someway relate to yeah i liked [[i know that's weird]] 4/5

  • 16 years ago

    by divine divinity

    Slightly hard to follow, each line had a differnet pace, unusual. But I get what you are saying though its difficult to really get past the pace. This poem is different in good and bad ways, its fresh but needs work in rythym and pace. Maybe try reading other peoms to see if you can find the rythym there, this can help with creating your own rythyms in your poems.