Rekindled by a kiss.
This tells the reader exactly what to expect. I am sure this is your intention; however, I feel that a title that is more ambiguous is intriguing, and so is more likely to be read. Maybe - Waking Embers? See what I mean?
A broken heart fixed by a kiss
a sour goodbye fixed by a touch
I love the second line, the word 'sour' really gives a strong image/taste for how painful the 'goodbye' was.
Your lips next to mine,
that is so divine.
Nice rhyme.
Kissing me in the awakening of a torn soul,
is what i needed to get before,
life ends with out the feeling of love.
The possibility of being kissed in a rejuvenated soul is profound, like this person has climbed inside you and delivered the exact miracle in order to save your life.
Your tender touch is what I need,
to get me through the day and put me to sleep.
This sums up the importance of this person, the need for their love to get you through the day.
Nobody can make me feel the way you do.
This is a nice touch, leaving this statement as a line on its own, making it more powerful.
A relationship that was done and over with,
has been rekindled by a sweet never ending kiss
and the caress of your soft touch.
Summarising the poem as a conclusion helps to compound the message of the all important 'kiss'