Huckleberry Finn Summarization Poem (English Project)

by Luv Her   Apr 8, 2008

Huck left luxury 'cause he
Longed for simplicity and
Joined Tom's gang in
Their acts of complicity

The band soon becomes divided
Because adventures were not provided

So Huck sets out own his own
Wondering where to go
When he comes upon a footstep he has known
Being that of his dad
And remembering their problems myriad,
He quickly scurried
Trying to leave
In a fashion very hurried

Lamentably Huck has no such luck
When his father found him, he was stuck
Pap was looking to get some cash
From Huck's treasure
Which he would sure like
To add to his minute stash

Huck manages to save his hide
By convincing the town that he had died

Huck was on the run again
For his freedom he would attain
He sailed for an isle
Where he evaded the townsfolk
With much guile

He finds an old friend,
A runaway slave
A man named Jim,
A man mighty brave

Together they decide to go
Over the Mississippi they would row
On through hardship to independence
Through off their chains and leave their woe

Huck wants to turn Jim in
'Cause he's been taught that
Helping slaves is a sin
But Huck has a change of heart
And now, to no one
He'll impart
The knowledge of his life
and Jim's innocence
These buds will never part

Closer to the destination,
They encounter the Duke and Dauphine,
Two fellows very keen
Well, they were looking for a scheme
When they came across a village,
The Duke and Duphine were Englishmen,
Or so it would seem

How they would scam a household,
Undertaking the roll of relatives
Could gain them gold
Knowing they needed to find an exit
Finding a way to leave with the gold,
It would be difficult
Never doubting their knowledge old
Not once fearing it's result

The Humbugs narrowly avoid the law
Once they luckily withdraw,
Moving along the river with the fakes,
Sailing ever closer to safety,
Almost at freedom's gates,
When Jim is sold...
Eager to save him
Really hoping for a spin

Tom shows up to save the day
But it turned out it was all a game
Jim was free all along
And Pap was gone
So Huck headed west
To where he belongs


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  • 16 years ago

    by Hollywood

    Lol i liked it was this really a project??