
by Emma   Apr 10, 2008

People tell me not to move on so fast
And especially not to one of his friends.
And I know in my heart they're all right.
I'm using him as a means to an end.

I'm going with one because I can't have the other.
I want this latest because the last doesn't want me.
I enevr knew until I got hurt myself
How hurtful I could be.

I'm using him so I won't be alone.
I want him, but I want my ex- just as much.
I'm only trying not to be lonely.
I only want to feel a man's touch.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Kelly

    Aw pet!
    What a sad little poem. Lonelyness is not something people seem to deal with very well is it. From the poem i get that you want to feel wanted more than anything else. But know you will feel 10 times worse when you end up hurting that boy. Bravo for getting so much across in the poem and including the story so the reader gets where the emotion is coming from. Take care.
